We connect you with the best loan company based on your personal cash requirements.
Welcome to Direct Cash Loans - your most reliable source to apply for personal loans online. We endeavour to make sure it is as easy as possible for you to find personal loans from the right lenders, at the right interest rates, at the right terms, and of course in the comfort of wherever you are - be it in front of a desktop computer or mobile device.
When you think about the admin involved in finding information about which personal loans are available out there, and the fact that you have to be meticulous in your record keeping of how much interest each different loan comes with and other such information, you can easily be overwhelmed. The purpose of our website is to take that effort away from you, and provide you with all the information you would manually compare, and bring it to you in an orderly fashion, so you can do what's really important - applying for the loan that suits you.
short term
longer term
We have compiled for you some important terms that you need to know whenever you take out a loan: read our Personal Loan Terms.
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Welcome to Direct Cash Loans - your most reliable source to apply for personal loans online. We endeavour to make sure it is as easy as possible for you to find personal loans from the right lenders, at the right interest rates, at the right terms, and of course in compliance with the law. Directcashloans.co.za endeavours to lend money in a responsible way.
With so many financial terms out there it can be difficult to understand what you're getting yourself into. We have compiled some personal loan terms with easy to understand explanations that will help you get the best personal or cash loan suited to you.